An allergy can have different effects. Some allergies can be dangerous and deadly, while other allergies are as trivial as a runny nose. Foods cause allergic reactions in some people, while others have allergic responses to pets or medications. Before you can successfully live life with allergies, you must learn as much as possible about overcoming their effects.
To be safe, test new antihistamines while at home. Many antihistamines have ingredients that cause drowsiness or slowed reflexes. Even if no harsh warnings are listed on the product packaging, take the first few doses at a time when you can just lounge on the sofa and don’t have to get behind the wheel.
Children are often more susceptible to allergies at specific times in their maturation process. For instance, babies are first given protein when eating food, which is why food allergies are so common in small children. As a child grows up, he continues to be exposed to new foods, and may also pick up pollen allergies once he starts spending more time playing outdoors. If you see your children displaying allergy symptoms in response to sports or pollen, don’t assume they couldn’t be a real allergic reaction just because they haven’t shown signs of non-food allergies in the past.
Your body could be responsible for your allergic reactions. Here is how this can be true. Over the course of the day, your hair, skin and clothing may become covered in pollen, mold, dust and other allergens. This buildup can cause allergy symptoms to worsen. Shower or put on clean clothing before you lay your head down to rest.
Think about pulling up the carpet in your home. Carpet is one of the most notorious places for dust, pollen and dead dust mites to gather. If carpeting is currently in your home and you have the finances to make a change, you may want to consider switching over to tile, wood, or laminate flooring. You will see a drastic decrease in the allergens. If this isn’t possible, vacuum daily.
Some people are allergic to the coloring in foods, drinks, bath & body products, or anything else you use on your skin. Even the coloring in paper towels or toilet paper is a problem for some. Choose plain white products going forward, and make a point to observe whether there is a reduction in your symptoms.
If you frequently suffer from annoying allergy symptoms, be sure to keep track of the time of day! Between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., pollen levels are at their highest; it is best to stay indoors during this period. If you have to go out, limit the time you are exposed.
Don’t stop at a couple of allergy treatments just because they haven’t worked for you. Relief may be a box or tablet away. There are other forms of treatments besides oral medications that can give you relief from your symptoms. You might try eye drops, a nasal spray, or get a prescription from your doctor for leukotriene blockers.
A common recommendation for those with allergies is to buy a humidifier so that the sufferer’s airways are hydrated. This procedure is not without potential drawbacks. Increasing the room’s humidity can encourage mustiness and the mold growth in fertile areas like the carpeting. Give a saline spray a try instead. This will moisten the nasal passages during sleep.
When you have exhausted all over-the-counter options, it may be time to make an appointment with your physician or an allergist. They’ll be able to recommend medication that will help you get your allergies under control, and make your symptoms more manageable. A physician could also give you steps on how to manage your allergies.
Where and when you exercise can make you more vulnerable to allergic reactions. You breathe deeper and harder as you continue to exercise. If you exercise inside rather than outdoors and try to do so during off-peak pollen times, you should minimize the influence of allergies to your routine.
If you are taking any kind of allergy medication, whether prescription or not, be sure to talk to a medical professional. Your doctor will recognize any symptoms that may indicate problems with the medication and will also be able to advise you in regards to times and dosage.
Make sure the bathrooms in your house remain clean. It is best to clean this area weekly, as bathrooms are notorious for mold growth. Clean your bathrooms and get rid of all mold. When you clean your bathrooms regularly, mold ceases to exist and doesn’t grow back.
When you learn what you can about living with your allergies, life can be a lot easier. Today, living with allergies is much easier thanks to the many new medications that are available to treat the symptoms. Learn everything you can by reading articles such as the one you just read.