If you suffer from allergies, you know how annoying they are. Many people suffer from allergies, causing them with large amounts of discomfort and frustration. Thankfully, you have some options for dealing with them. Continue reading to learn more about how to stave off allergy symptoms.
If you desire to have a pet, despite having allergies, get a pet that has short fur. Any animal that you are allergic to can cause unpleasant symptoms, but those with longer fur make symptoms worse. To further minimize pet allergies, don’t let them sleep in the same bed as you.
Have you heard that your allergies can actually be caused by your own body? That’s the truth! You are a magnet for dust and pollen, and pick it up constantly when outdoors. If you settle into bed with all those allergens still attached to you, then night-time discomfort can result. Take a shower and don clean pajamas prior to going to bed to prevent issues from developing.
If you are allergic to animals but have to have a pet, get one with short fur. The majority of animals can trigger allergic reactions, but longer-haired animals can make the condition even worse. To minimize allergic reactions to pets, forbid them from getting on the furniture or in your bed.
There are a lot of antihistamines and allergy products on the market you can get without a prescription. Ask your doctor for a sample pack or purchase the smallest package size available. If this product doesn’t help your allergies, then you can easily get another without having to spend a great deal of money.
A good tip for avoiding allergens is to avoid any product that contains colorant. This comes down to even your toilet paper that may have designs dyed into them. Choose plain white products going forward, and make a point to observe whether there is a reduction in your symptoms.
If you live in the western part of the United States, you may have noticed that many landscapers are using olive trees as landscaping decoration. Yet be wary of these trees as they can produce a lot of pollen. Educating yourself about this tree can allow you to enjoy it in your surroundings, while still forming a plan of attack against your allergies. A great way to get rid of the pollen is to spray the tree down with a hose for a few minutes every day.
Think about getting rid of your carpets. Carpeting is a magnet for allergens such as pollen, dust and dust mites. Tile, laminate or wood floors can be considered to replace wall-to-wall carpet. This will greatly reduce the amount of ambient particulates (many of which are allergens) in your home. If you cannot switch to these kinds of floors, vacuum everyday.
Remain cognizant of the amount of stress in your life. Some folks don’t realize what a negative impact stress can have on the body. This is especially true for anyone who is asthmatic. Asthma attacks are more likely in those experiencing increased stress levels. It is not a cure all for this condition, but it can help lower the frequency and duration of an attack.
Allergy Attacks
Keep your car windows closed to keep allergens out. You should also clean your car regularly to reduce the instance of allergy attacks. When you use the A/C be sure your vents are all closed to prevent allergens like pollen from entering through them. You can also keep your car allergen free by vacuuming regularly. Your frequency of allergy attacks can be reduced significantly by taking these steps.
Closing the windows of your home may be the best way to keep allergens from ever getting in. Allergens from outside easily move into your home through open windows. In addition, check and clean your vent and air conditioner filters to prevent allergens from circulating inside your home.
Clean your bathroom often. Bathrooms attract and collect mold, so they need a good scrubbing at least once weekly. Use bleach mixture to wipe down all of the walls. Mold causes many allergy problems, but washing the walls with bleach will discourage its growth.
Opening Windows
Avoid opening windows during high pollen hours. Stay aware of pollen levels before opening windows and doors. It may feel great, but the results will not. The danger time is between 10 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. It’s best to open your windows later in the day if you want to get maximum benefit from opening your windows.
Nearly everyone who battles allergies has heard that running a humidifier at night helps by keeping airways moist. This may be a bad idea, since the moisture from the humidifier can settle in the carpet, encouraging mustiness and possibly mold. Instead, use a saline spray prior to bedtime in order to keep your nasal passages moist.
After spending some time outside, it is very possible that you have been in contact with some unwelcome airborne allergens. If possible, take a shower before you go to bed; the sooner, the better. Water is the perfect way to get rid of pollen, mold, and any other allergens that you may have picked up. You want to wash your hair and skin a bit though because they might have had enough time to settle.
If you have itchy or dry eyes from your allergies, don’t rub them using your hands. Invest in antihistamine eye drops to control such symptoms. If you keep rubbing your eyes, you may irritate the follicles near your eyelashes, which can lead to styes.
Those who suffer from allergies should use the vacuum a lot. This will reduce the number of allergens in your home. Inspect your vacuum. Older vacuums will spread allergens back into the air. Newer model vacuums come equipped with HEPA filters that can trap over 99% of allergens and small particles to stop them from circulating in the air.
Always keep allergy medicine with you. When you are away from home, you can never be sure what types of allergens you may come into contact with. An Epi-Pen is also recommended if you tend to have severe allergic reactions. A shot of Epinephrine can help alleviate the symptoms of a allergy attack.
Being sure to dust the entire home weekly will help keep your allergies under control. Dust even if you don’t think you see any dust. Ensuring that your home is as free from dust as possible helps many allergy sufferers.
Consider getting a humidifier. This is an excellent purchase because it could prevent allergens from spreading all over the home. The humidifier’s water drops can attract allergens and put an end to their reign. You won’t be exposed to the normal allergens found in the air.
Allergy Symptoms
Whenever you use allergy medications, be sure your dosage is correct. Many of these types of medications require you to use them for several days before you feel the benefits. You shouldn’t expect instant allergy relief. Make it a point to consult with your doctor about the correct usage.
As you can now see, you can get relief for your allergy symptoms. You have a wide range of choices available to you to help lessen allergy symptoms. Apply what you’ve learned from this article to start living an allergy-free life.